速報APP / 工具 / Rahukalam / Rahu Kaal

Rahukalam / Rahu Kaal





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:A-139 1st Floor, Sector - 63, Noida (UP) - 201307 INDIA

Rahukalam / Rahu Kaal(圖1)-速報App

Rahukalam in South India and Rahu Kaal in North India is period of a day which is considered inauspicious. This period said to be ruled by Rahu and hence considered bad for any important work or new initiative. According to some belief, work started in Rahu Kaal period doesn't give good results and indicates only failure. Usage of Rahu Kaal is more popular in Southern part of India.

Rahukalam / Rahu Kaal(圖2)-速報App

Generally people use rough calculation for Rahu Kaal taking 6:00 AM as Sunrise, though the correct way is to calculate Rahu Kaal from Sunrise and hence it changes slightly each day. Rahu Kaal also changes for each city as the Sunrise differs from city to city. Our Rahu Kaal below is accurate Rahu Kaal calculated for your City.

Rahukalam / Rahu Kaal(圖3)-速報App

This application supports huge city database and also GPS support to give you quick rahu kaal of your present location.